Product Details
Custom Gallery Walls with Design Services vary in frame and shipping cost. To see an approximate cost of your frames visit this FAQ page.

Once your design is approved, the frames will be placed in your cart with your images uploaded and ready to purchase.

On average, framed prints arrive within 4-6 weeks from the date of your initial design fee purchase, based on the frequency of feedback and number of design revisions.

View Gallery Wall Design Service FAQ >

Gallery Wall Design Service


Limited Time:
$59 design fee with code DSGWALL20

Expertly designed, effortlessly displayed — your gallery wall, perfected.

With Gallery Wall Design Services, you can preserve what matters most with the aesthetic expertise of our in-house Design Specialists. Let our team create a custom gallery wall design for your unique space, then bring it to life in our high-quality, handcrafted frames.

How It Works:

Step 1 | Share your vision with us through the questionnaire, and send along your wall measurements and image files.

Step 2 | Your designer will create two custom 2D gallery wall mock-ups for your review.

Step 3 | Work with your designer to review, revise, and approve your final design.

Step 4 | Your frames will be placed in your cart, ready to purchase. You’ll also receive an email with your final design and digital hanging guide.

Step 5 | Frames and hanging hardware will be shipped to you.

What’s Included:

A dedicated Design Specialist
Two (2) gallery wall mock-ups, which can include any of our frames
Two (2) rounds of revisions, as needed
A personalized gallery wall estimate with each design revision. Estimate the cost of your frames here.

Have a question about Design Services? Contact us here.

Excluded from sitewide promotional offers.
Product Details
Custom Gallery Walls with Design Services vary in frame and shipping cost. To see an approximate cost of your frames visit this FAQ page.

Once your design is approved, the frames will be placed in your cart with your images uploaded and ready to purchase.

On average, framed prints arrive within 4-6 weeks from the date of your initial design fee purchase, based on the frequency of feedback and number of design revisions.

View Gallery Wall Design Service FAQ >